It's been a while since I've written something on any of my blogs--too long. I've been going through some hard times as of late, & I've found myself feeling...rather uninspired. Until recently, that is.
Last night, my friends (Shawn Baker & Dennis Hellmann--who are The Forest Children) launched their first ever music video. I will include the link at the end of this post, so you may view it if you so choose. The video itself...was incredible, & when I told Dennis so, he thanked me, but told me what they really needed was help getting it out there. He said I should write a review or something, repost it.
& If I didn't feel strongly about it--I wouldn't bother at all. However, this is not the case at all. Hence, this post...
I think it was round about this time last year, that Shawn asked me for the use of my photographs to use as accompanying art with their music...Naturally I was surprised, because I still think of myself as very green. But I was assured that I shared the "same dark mindset"...& it's what they were looking for...I was excited, & honored, & allowed them the use of any art they wished.
I was given copies of all of their albums to listen to....& I became...inspired. Like never before, I found music ...that understands me. Music that speaks to me in a way that is rare. Music that comes from the soul...& speaks to mine. When I listen to the songs...I'm not even aware really, of the fact that I'm listening to music created by people I know. I hear only the music. & the story it tells...when I'm blue, or in resonates deep within in a way that I find comforting. & when I'm looking for music that'll set my mind inspire me in my own creative endeavors, I've been turning to the same place.
These days, you turn on the radio--& everything sounds the same. Generic voices, mimicking one another. The music of The Forest doesn't sound like anything you've heard. I played some for a girlfriend of mine--& she told me that she really liked it, "because the music was more Real. So much more Real than anything you ever hear on the radio. It's different. & it's our differences that make all the difference."
As for me the music "feels like going home." I don't hear something disturbing & menacing...I hear music that is honest & free. Music that doesn't wear a mask. & that's why I love it.
The newest tune, "Cold Blooded", the one you'll hear in the from the new album "Kingdom Animalia" that The Forest Children will be releasing this Thanksgiving 2010. I myself am quite anxious to hear it in it's entirety. If this video is any indication, it's going to be a real treat. Something unique & inspired--that's not afraid to be itself. Something that starts out earnestly...& as the music picks up... grows in strength & power...& vision.
Check out the video--I encourage you to be open minded & Listen:
If you dig can hear more music here:
If the music speaks to you....If you think that what we need in this world is more music...that's honest, & true to itself, & Real ...spread the link. Spread the word.
Spread Music like a Virus...