Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thunder Magick

~Electricity in the air, taste the rain on your tongue. Feel the magic; it surrounds you.

~Rain falls down, tears from the sky. Tears of joy? Perhaps...

~A new life emerges into a screaming world. She opens her eyes, just a splinter.

~All time stops & the world is silent, for only a moment. Don't forget to breathe.

~Shadows dance, & you just know magic is afoot. It slinks in the night, hiding just before you catch sight.

~A frightened friend stands guard, a neurotic sentry watching over her. An old friend smiles, a new mother. Her grin lights the room brighter than the lightning in the sky.

~I reach for her hand, just the softest brush of fingers. Electric. Shocking power.

~I was wrong. I'm glad I came.

~Sometimes, you have to open your eyes & face your fears. Stare down the world.

~Taste the rain on your tongue. Savor the magic...

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